Spreading the 10:2b Virus

In recent decades the 10:2b “virus” has enlisted many to set an alarm for 10:02 as a reminder to pray Luke 10:2.

That’s a great start, but let’s take it further!

  1. Don’t simply “proseuchomai” God to send others from the Church.
    Beg God earnestly to lead you in following in the disciple’s footsteps: “Thrust workers into YOUR harvest, starting with me as you did with your first disciples. And raise up believing families through my obedience as you did through the disciples.
  2. Don’t just aim for private prayer.
    When your alarm goes off invite believers with you to join in prayer. If there aren’t any, search out others to pray with (Malachi 3:16; Matthew 18:20).
  3. Don’t keep the virus to yourself.
    Invite others to join you in a) adopting this practice and b) inviting others (Matthew 28:20).
  4. Don’t settle for a “moment of prayer.”
    “Tarry” in seeking Holy Spirit power for the harvest!
    Set your alarm for 9:38 and 10:02. Then, as often as you can, take this full 24 minutes to deomai the Lord to ekballo you and others into His Harvest.
  5. Don’t just sit there.
    Jesus took the disciples into the harvest. Walk as you pray, asking the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the harvest and give you His compassion for the harassed and helpless—those like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36).
  6. Don’t let your fire die out.
    A lone ember grows cold. Covenant with friends to pray together at 9:38 or 10:02 as often as you can—by hangout, Skype, Facetime or phone (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
  7. Don’t pray uninformed.
    Sign up for a daily prayer prompt from:

When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? —Luke 18:8

Until there’s No Place Left!